Dr. Tom Masterson is the founder and director of Danceophile Studio and the Postoley Dance Ensemble, a performing ethnic dance company specializing in the dance and culture of Ukraine, Poland, and Eastern Europe.
Dance Background
Tom studied traditional ethnic dance, choreography and performance with several world-renowned companies, including the Bukovinian and Virsky ensembles in Ukraine and the Marie Curie Skodlowska University Institute for Choreography in Lublin, Poland.
Some of his favorite dances include "Bukovinian Spring" arranged to the world-famous "Bukovinian Melodies" music, a gypsy dance from Romania appropriately titled "Good Luck", and a beautiful Carpatho-Rus' dance from Ushorod on the Ukrainian-Slovak border.
Tom also teaches American Swing (Jitterbug, East Coast, Lindy, Charleston), Waltz, Cha-Cha, and Country-Western Dance.
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In addition to dance, Tom teaches physics and mathematics, speaks several languages, runs ultra-marathons, climbs high peaks around the world, and is a master chef. He is the recipient of the “Legends of Dance in Colorado” award and the Boulder “Pacesetter of the Year” award.
Tom has thirty-five years' experience teaching mountaineering, skiing, and wilderness survival skills. He is the owner of and principal instructor for Back Country Tours, a mountain guide service and ski and mountaineering school recognized by the Professional Ski Instructors of America.